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ming lam

Ming is an artist from Daly City, California.

mama's windchimes
00:00 / 01:04

This is a song I wrote for my mother’s birthday. My mom often takes walks in our neighborhood, and especially loves the sound of a certain set of windchimes hanging from a tree in a neighbor’s front yard. For her gift, I used a recording of the chimes to make a song.

00:00 / 01:41

animal crossing music

sunhat song, image of god
00:00 / 01:28

Last year, my sister sent me a video of a Korean theologist she admires named Hyung Kyung Chung. In the video, Chung shares that her image of God is not white or male like traditional portrayals, but a middle aged Korean woman who looks like her mother.

170 E 6th St, Claremont, CA 91711

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Asian American Mentor Program (AAMP)

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